Burtt paintings - store Marcia Burtt "Fisher at the Pond" PreviousMarcia Burtt "Evening, Hallstätter See" NextMarcia Burtt "April Afternoon" Marcia Burtt "Fisher at the Pond" Marcia Burtt "Fisher at the Pond" $2,800.00 Marcia BurttFisher at the Pondacrylic14x18 in. Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 You Might Also Like Marcia Burtt "Ranch Acropolis" $3,700.00 Marcia Burtt "Rock Wall, Afternoon Light" $2,650.00 Marcia Burtt, "Sea Foam" $3,700.00 Marcia Burtt "Courtyard at Noon" $1,300.00 Wave on the Rocks $2,250.00