Burtt paintings - store Marcia Burtt "Avenue of Maples, Boscobel" PreviousMarcia Burtt "Path at Dusk, Central Park" Marcia Burtt "Avenue of Maples, Boscobel" Marcia Burtt "Avenue of Maples, Boscobel" $2,300.00 Marcia BurttAvenue of Maples, Boscobelacrylic10x18 in. Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 You Might Also Like Marcia Burtt "The Old Harbor (Honfleur)" $4,300.00 Marcia Burtt, "Fence Line" $2,250.00 Weather Coming $2,350.00 Marcia Burtt, "Downtown" $3,400.00 Pond in the Woods $1,950.00