Daisy Craddock - Untitled landscape Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 13, 2023mountains, inland, works on paper
Joe Paquet - Winter Sun Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 12, 2023creeks and rivers, Urban, Midwest, snow, small
Michael Drury - Afternon Towering Cumulus Lake Tahoe Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 12, 2023Northern California, lakes, clouds, medium sized
Mark Kerckhoff - Overcast Bay Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 12, 2023small, coastal, boats, overcast, works on paper, reflections, buildings
Ray Roberts - Breaking Light Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 12, 2023small, coastal, rocks and water
Rick Stich - Weather Brewing Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 12, 2023dawn/dusk, overcast, small, coastal
Joseph Mendez - Early Morning Fog Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryAugust 12, 2023dawn/dusk, Urban, buildings, overcast, small
Veerakeat Tongpaiboon - Alta Plaza Park Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GallerySeptember 28, 2020dawn/dusk, Urban, San Francisco Bay Area, buildings
Overpass Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryJuly 28, 2020works on paper, photography, small, buildings, Urban, vertical, monochromatic
Charlie Easton - South from Cayucos Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryJuly 28, 2020dawn/dusk, Central California Coast, coastal, rocks and water
Chris Chapman - Hills Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryJuly 27, 2020small, works on paper, watercolor, overlooks, foothills
Donald Archer - Lightkeeper's House Pt. Conception Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryFebruary 28, 2020works on paper, photography, small, buildings, coastal, Central California Coast, clouds
Jean-Pierre Hébert - Pulcinello in Maschera, at Dusk Other ArtistsMarcia Burtt GalleryNovember 27, 2019works on paper, digital print, vertical, large, abstract, minimalist, monochromatic